Services List Safeguarding Learning and Development Framework Providing for a skilled workforce to help and protect people at risk in Leeds Professional curiosity resources Look Further, Think Wider, See More Being an Always Care Practioner Leeds Learning: Practice principles about self-neglect Interactive guide to safeguarding adults Learn about what safeguarding is and how it can help people you support Practice Toolkit: Reflective Practice Checklist Take a moment to review, reflect upon and think through your approach 'Was not brought' What to consider when an appointment is missed Older people and domestic abuse Enabling people to speak out and gain support LSAB Briefing: Adults Living Street-Based Lives Learning from experience Sign up to our Bulletin Keep up to date with new safeguarding resources and developments
Safeguarding Learning and Development Framework Providing for a skilled workforce to help and protect people at risk in Leeds
Interactive guide to safeguarding adults Learn about what safeguarding is and how it can help people you support
Practice Toolkit: Reflective Practice Checklist Take a moment to review, reflect upon and think through your approach