To report a crime: Phone 101 or report on line West Yorkshire Police
If someone is at immediate risk, Phone 999.
For further information please visit the West Yorkshire Police website
To report a crime: Phone 101 or report on line West Yorkshire Police
If someone is at immediate risk, Phone 999.
For further information please visit the West Yorkshire Police website
Information from Leeds City Council as to who they can support, how they do this and how you can contact them: How to get social care and support
If someone is at immediate risk contact the police
If you are concerned that someone in need of care and support is experiencing or at risk of abuse, neglect or self-neglect contact: Leeds City Council: Adults & Health
If a child is at immediate risk contact the police
To report a child protection concern, contact Leeds City Council: Children Social Work Services
Please note, a child is someone under the age of 18 years of age.
Safe and Well is a free service offered by West Yorkshire Fire Service, in which firefighters or dedicated prevention officers visit members of our community in their own homes. Our officers will then carry out a fire risk assessment and offer tailored advice and interventions to help reduce the risk of fire in their property: West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue
CQC is the independent regulator of health and adult social care in England. This covers services such as residential and nursing homes, NHS and Independent Hospitals, Home care agencies, GP Services, Mental Health and community based health and care services. The CQC sets standards that all services must comply with. You can contact Care Quality Commission if you have concerns about such a service.
Use these pages to help understand what issues should be reported to the Police and which issues should be reported to the Council and how you can do that:
How we can tackle anti-social behaviour | West Yorkshire Police
Someone who has care and support needs will be someone who needs assistance with daily living tasks such as assistance:
If you are concerned about domestic abuse and the person does have a care and support need, please contact Leeds City Council: Adults & Health
If you are concerned about domestic abuse and the person does not have a care and support need, please visit Leeds Domestic Violence Service website
If someone is at immediate risk contact the Police: West Yorkshire Police
The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps employers make safer recruitment decisions each year by processing and issuing DBS checks. It also maintains the Adults’ and Children’s Barred Lists, and makes considered decisions as to whether an individual should be included on one or both of these lists and barred from engaging in regulated activity. For more information: Disclosure and Barring Scheme
If you have concerns about a person in positions of trust, you should also refer to the Leeds Safeguarding Adult Board's, People in Positions of Trust Practice Guidance
Information from Forced Marriage Unit as to how to protect, advise and support victims of forced marriage, including information and practice guidelines for professionals.
Whistleblowing for employees: This Gov.Uk website provides the following advice:
Help and advice in relation to modern slavery: Leeds City Council
The West Yorkshire Financial Exploitation & Abuse Team (WYFEAT) is a unique, multi-disciplinary team. Based within West Yorkshire Trading Standards Service, we have Trading Standards professionals, Fraud Investigators, Financial and Criminal Investigators, Intelligence Officers, police, and a social worker all working together to safeguard adults at risk who may be at risk of, or who have already experienced, financial abuse.
WYFEAT provide information, advice and support on scams and frauds; we offer safeguarding support to adults at risk who have experienced financial abuse and/or exploitation; our officers / colleagues gather intelligence and undertake specialist fraud, financial and complex criminal investigations. We also offer comprehensive training on financial abuse for organisations, to support professionals to recognise and respond to concerns of financial abuse / exploitation.
Projects and Initiatives | West Yorkshire Trading Standards (
Office of Public Guardian is responsible for:
Advonet provide statutory and community advocacy services in Leeds