Talk to me, hear my voice
Talk to me, hear my voice is the key message from people in Leeds. The phrase sums up how people wish to be involved and included within decisions about their safety and wellbeing. Whether you be a worker, volunteer or manager of a service, it is their message to you.
This citizen-led principle is all about supporting people in the way they wish to supported and should be considered practice guidance for all those involved in safeguarding adults.
You can read the full Citizen-Led Practice Guidance and watch the Talk to me, hear my voice films below:
Introducing Talk to me, hear my voice.
Touchstone Service User Group members present their film. This is there words and their message to you
Talk to me, hear my voice (1)
Leeds People First (Leep1) present their Talk to me, hear my voice film focusing on the issues of protection and safety planning.
Talk to me, hear my voice (2)
Touchstone: Sikh Elders Service and Service Involvement Project present their Talk to me, hear my voice film focusing on the principles of Empowerment and Proportionality