Multi-agency risk assessments and meetings
A key learning point from national research is the importance of practitioners and services coming together to share information, assess risk and develop joined up approaches to providing support to someone at risk of self-neglect.
The following Meeting Agenda Template and Risk Assessment & Management Template are used where the multi-agency safeguarding adults policy and procedures are being followed, however they can also be used outside of this where they are useful to respond to complex risks, including self-neglect.
This plain text version can also be used
The LSAB Self-neglect policy, procedures and guidance should be referred to in relation to the importance and objectives involved in multi-agency working (section 5.7). The following is a brief summary of some key issues:
A multi-disciplinary meeting provides an opportunity to:
- Recognise and understand the person at risk’s views and wishes, their assessment of their
- circumstances, and what outcomes they would like to achieve, if and
- Share information about issues and concerns, to form a shared understanding
- Seek to understand the underlying reasons for the self-neglecting behaviour
- Consider issues of mental capacity
- Consider how best to engage with the person at risk
- Develop a multi-agency assessment of risk and risk management plan
- Establish a multi-agency risk management plan
- Ensure there is clarity about who is monitoring and updating on any identified risks
- Consider the need for further meetings to review plans and risks
- Provide / plan how to provide mutual support to agencies, relatives and unpaid carers
Continually evaluate the need for legal advice