Our Easy Read Annual Report 2023/24
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What this says:
1. What is this report about?
Abuse is when someone hurts you, treats you badly or forces you to do something.
It is also when they don’t give you the care you should be getting to be healthy and safe.
Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board works to keep people safe from abuse.
This work is called Safeguarding Adults.
There are people on the Board from organisations like the Adult Social Care, NHS, and the Police.
2. How people were helped to be safe from abuse.
13,213 people contacted Adult Social Care for help to be safe from abuse.
The types of abuse that people reported most were:
3. Making sure people know how about abuse and how to get help.
4. Making sure people in Leeds are at the centre of safeguarding adults work.
5. Making sure people working with adults know about safeguarding procedures.
6. Making sure people’s experiences and feedback helps other people have better experiences.
7. Our upcoming plans
Some of the things we want to do:
8. How to get help if abuse is happening to you or someone else.