What does safeguarding adults mean?
Safeguarding adults means people and services working together to help adults, over 18 with care and support needs, so that they're safe from abuse. It's about stopping abuse, reducing the risk of it happening in the first place and helping adults make choices about how to live safely by listening to their views, wishes, feelings and beliefs.
People may have care and support needs because they:
- are older
- have learning disabilities
- have physical disabilities
- have conditions like dementia, Parkinson's or Alzheimer's
- are autistic
- have mental health conditions
- are deaf, blind or visually impaired
- have drug or alcohol issues
- are recovering from severe illness or injury
- look after a friend or relative (carers)
Please watch our short film about safeguarding adults in Leeds.
Our film is available in other languages and British Sign Language: Click here to view.