It is never ok when someone wrongly takes your money or personal things, or they control what you do with your money or personal things. People should not:
- steal from you
- make you buy them things with your money
- make you give away your things
- do your shopping but make you pay more than it costs, or they keep your change
- deliberately overcharge you for things, like providing your care, or other services like gardening or cleaning
- trick you to get your money or things - sometimes called scamming
- stop you having access to your money, benefits or personal things
- tell you how you must spend your money
- make you give them your bank card so they can take money out of your account
- make you have your wages or benefits paid into their bank account, but they keep your money
- make you take out a loan for them
- refuse to pay their share of bills
- move into your home when you don’t want them to
- give your personal things to other people without you saying it’s ok
- make you pay their debts
- make you pay for repairs to your home that aren’t needed – these people are sometimes called rogue traders
- force you or rush you into signing things that you don’t understand, like legal papers
- pressure you to give them things you own, like your home, jewellery or car