Leaflets to download and share: 

Plain text version: This is what the leaflets say:

Supporting people to be safe in Leeds

Safeguarding Adults involves helping people experiencing or at risk of abuse, neglect or self-neglect to protect themselves.  It can help people with an age-related frailty, learning or physical disability, long-term illness, mental health condition, substance dependency or another condition like this to be safe. Some people may not be able speak up about what is happening to them.

This leaflet gives examples of when Safeguarding Adults can help and contact details you may need

“My mother lives in a nursing home. She was often thirsty and unwashed. I spoke to staff but things didn’t get better. I rang Adult Social Care for advice. People listened and helped. Now my mother is happy and so am I.”

“My partner was hitting me and controlling what I could do by taking away my wheelchair. I rang Adult Social Care. I am pleased I did. With their help I now feel safe again."

“My cousin couldn’t cope on his own, but he wouldn’t let anyone help. His house was full of rubbish and it was dangerous. I contacted Adult Social Care and they helped him work out a plan to be safe again.”

“My friend has dementia and her daughter bullied and shouted at her. She was scared and didn’t understand what was happening. I helped her to get support. She says things are much better now.”

“My neighbour said his home carer was often rough with him. He showed me a bruise and asked for my help. After I made a call, things got better for him and he is much happier now. I’m glad I spoke up.”

“When I was very depressed, people would take advantage and use me for money. I’m really glad that someone helped me ask for support. There were people to help me when I needed it most. Now I feel much safer.”

“My friend has a learning disability. People were banging on his door and shouting threats. He was very upset and scared to go out. Together we called Adult Social Care and they helped him get the support he needed.”

Help and Advice

If someone is experiencing or at risk of abuse, neglect or self-neglect, there are people who can help.

Contact Leeds Adult Social Care:

  •  Tel: 0113 222 4401
  • BSL: www.leeds.gov.uk/accessibility
  • Visit: Council One Stop Centres /Community Hubs

Please note: 

If a person is at immediate risk of harm or danger call the police straight away on 999.
If you are worried about someone in a care home, hospital or hospice you can speak to a member of staff or the manager. You can also contact Adult Social Care.

For more information about safeguarding adults in Leeds: www.leedssab.org.uk